Currently, opioids form the mainstay of pain management, at least in cancer pain and in post-operative pain. True, opioids are safer than most other currently [...]
The UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has, on 23 May 2012, published a new guideline, Opioids in palliative care (CG140), to help [...]
In a recent blog post we asked the question “Can Death Become a Beautiful Experience?” prompted by the controversy surrounding a scene from the BBC documentary [...]
BBC News Online talks about Kerala’s success in palliative care, visiting Dr Suresh Kumar at the Institute of Palliative Medicine in Calicut. Bringing hope to [...]
Death is feared by most, no doubt. Can it become a beautiful experience, the final expected opening of a door, the person turning back smiling [...]
Medical Council of India Approves MD Palliative Medicine! Till now, Palliative Medicine was not approved as a medical specialty by the Medical Council of India [...]
When Linda Pressly from BBC Radio walked into Pallium India’s Palliative Care Unit at Trivandrum Institute of Palliative Sciences in S.U.T Hospital, she met up [...]
The public, as well as the medical and legal professions, continue to be confused about the distinction between euthanasia and withdrawal of life support in [...]
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