Only 10-15% of us will be blessed with a sudden death. The rest of us will likely experience prolonged illness, deterioration or suffering. We can gain some control of what we want these days to be like for ourselves and those who care for us.
SEEDS Palliative Care (Keelapavoor, Tenkasi District, Tamil Nadu) announces “Compassionate Communities 2023,” a week-long series of events running from October 9 to 14.
Join Pallium India in making a meaningful impact by participating in the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024. Click to know how.
Webinar: What can be done to improve safe access to medical morphine? Date: September 14, 2023 Register now.
Students Initiative in Palliative Care (SIPC) SANS-PAIN Inauguration - October 2, Monday at 10 AM
Sangeet Sandhya with Anup Jalota in California, on Friday, July 14th, 2023, is organized by Relief From Cancer, to raise funds for CanKids and Pallium India.
International Nurses Day is celebrated annually around the world on 12 May, the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale. Theme 2023: “Our Nurses. Our Future.”
World Health Day is celebrated annually on 7 April and each year draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world.
WHPCD 2023. October 14. Theme: Compassionate Communities: Together for Palliative Care
Register now for this event: Empowering Women Caregivers: Lessons from South Indian Community-Based Palliative Care.