A Conversation about Dying Well – July 11, 6PM IST

We are mortal.
Death will find each one of us. It is inevitable.
But if we know how, we can take charge of how we meet death.
Life is seldom predictable. Not all of us will have the luxury of time to make decisions about our care. A single ‘sentinel event’ could deprive us of decision-making capacity or the ability to communicate effectively.
Only 10-15% of us will be blessed with a sudden death. The rest of us will likely experience prolonged illness, deterioration or suffering. We can gain some control of what we want these days to be like for ourselves and those who care for us.
We do this through Advance Care Planning – a process by which we can make decisions about our last days while we still have a say. Within its fold are specific tools like the Advance Medical Directives, Health Care Proxy/ Power of Attorney Designation, Do Not Attempt Resuscitation/ Intubation orders, to name a few. While these may seem daunting or scary initially, they are vital to our sense of dignity and autonomy later.
We are here to help you understand these terms. Experts from medicine, law, public health, end-of-life care, and human rights will come together on a webinar on Thursday, the 11th of July 2024, to share their perspectives.
Ahead of the webinar, we encourage you to visit Living Will and Healthcare Power of Attorney Authorisation and access the Advance Medical Directives template, Frequently Asked Questions dossier and a Ready Reckoner that gives context to Advance Care Planning in India.