Published on: December 18, 2019

Dr M. R. Rajagopal, Chairman of Pallium India, writes:

I met these two young doctors at the Annual conference of Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROICON 2019) – Dr Mayur Ghoghari and Dr Kikato Chishi – both belonging to the first batch of doctors joining the MD course in Palliative Medicine at GCRI, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Mayur wearing red and Kikato in black.

Mayur had one life-changing experience at the age of four. His mother died of cancer. In pain. He lives with those painful memories.

Kikato hails from Nagaland. He happened to hear one lecture which changed his life. He heard Gilly Burn.


Gilly Burn is the phenomenon that has inspired at least two generations in India with her advocacy for palliative care. I personally remember listening to her in 1992 talking about treating breathlessness with morphine – for which until then was taught breathlessness was an absolute contraindication! For the last couple of years, she is working with Pallium India on palliative care advocacy focusing on medical and nursing students in various parts of India. North, South, East, West – Gilly has been everywhere.

And Dr Kikato Chishi is living proof of the power of her words. Can you see the cascade effect? One talk, yes, is only one talk. But the end result is the magical relief from pain and suffering for thousands in future.

Best wishes, Mayur and Kikato. May you wipe many a tear! And live with satisfaction, if not with great luxuries.

Thank you Gilly, for all that you have done for India. The power of your sincerity, words and deeds have scooped away a huge chunk of suffering in our country.

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