Published on: May 29, 2024

In April 2024, Pallium India conducted a first-of-its-kind awareness session on palliative care for the Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission (MSRLM. 2 sessions lasting two days each were held in Amravati and Yavatmal districts. 

This is the first collaboration between Pallium India and a non-health department. It sets a significant precedence in enhancing community health and well-being through cross-sector partnerships. The commitment to collaborate was enlivened through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Pallium India and MSRLM. 

MSRLM’s extensive grassroots reach allows wider dissemination of knowledge and practices related to palliative care, especially in rural areas that lack these services. 

The awareness session was meticulously structured to provide comprehensive insights into palliative care. Key highlights include:

  • Introduction to Palliative care: Experts from Snehaanchal Palliative Care Centre, Nagpur and Pallium India elucidated the principles, importance and benefits of palliative care.
  • Role of MSRLM Team Members: Discussions on how MSRLM team members can incorporate palliative care principles into their daily interactions with community members.
  • Interactive Workshop: Focussed on effective communication with patients and families, psycho-social support and about patient referrals to nearby palliative care centres.
  • Case studies and real-life examples: Sharing of impactful stories and case studies to illustrate the tangible benefits of palliative care in rural settings.

The session was met with enthusiastic participation from the MSRLM team members, reflecting a shared commitment to enhancing community health. By empowering these front-line workers with knowledge about palliative care, we envision a ripple effect that will gradually transform the healthcare landscape in these districts.

This collaboration holds the potential to scale up palliative care initiatives across Maharashtra. It also underscores the importance of cross-sector partnerships in addressing complex health challenges in rural areas.

Participants expressed their appreciation for the sessions, highlighting their newfound understanding and readiness to advocate for palliative care within their communities.

One participant noted, “This session opened our eyes to the critical role we can play in supporting our community members with serious illnesses. It’s empowering to know that we can make a difference”

The awareness session on palliative care for MSRLM team members in Amravati and Yavatmal is a testament to the power of collaboration between health and non-health sectors. As we continue to forge such partnerships, the future looks promising for the integration of palliative care into community health initiatives, ultimately leading to improved quality of life for many.

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