Published on: August 5, 2020

In 2019,  we had the wonderful experience of a week-long visit from one very special person from London – nurse Kimberley St John. It was to be the first of many visits to follow; she was also planning to bring students from London on study tours with us. This got cancelled because of COVID-19.

And now we get this devastating news that she died suddenly due, we hear, to a dissecting aneurysm of aorta.

On her Facebook page, she had written, “I recently started working with a palliative care organization called Pallium India. I visited for the first time a few weeks ago and had the most incredible and inspiring experience. I really was blown away by the work they do with such little resource.”

Please read what she says about dying: Five Things I’ve learnt from nursing the dying

Our thoughts are with her family and friends.

Thank you for everything you have done, Kimberley.

One response to “Obituary: Kimberley St John”


    Thank you Sr. Kimberly St.John for the highly laudable work that you have embarked upon in such a short span of time. It is indeed cruel to have lost so prematurely to fate such an inspirational figure as you. We are certain the spirit of your endeavors will be passed on to other noble minds for the benefit of our suffering brethren the world over. You will remain in our thoughts. Rest in Peace Sr.Kimberley.