WHO and EU reinforce cooperation for Universal Health Coverage
Thank you, Ms Katherine Pettus of IAHPC, for informing us of the partnership entered upon between the European Commission (EC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to upscale Universal Health Coverage in 66 different countries. India is one among the 66 countries.
Read the press releases from EU and WHO:
EU and World Health Organisation team up to boost access to health services in developing countries
WHO and EU reinforce cooperation for Universal Health Coverage
The EU pursues a rights-based approach to health, by supporting countries to design policies that maximised health benefits through the equitable treatment of all citizens, and it will be optimal if those of you who advocate in the countries where the partnership is being implemented, could ensure that palliative care is include in the deliberations.
More about the partnership and countries here: https://uhcpartnership.net/about/
Hats off to Ms Katherine Pettus of IAHPC and Pallium India for sharing this noble mission to upscale universal health coverage which is a prime need of late in the developing countries like India where a major section of the society is deprived of proper medical facilities and health coverage is beyond reach of the patients coming of poor pecuniary conditions. I am pleased , India is one among 66 countries to co-operate in making policy for the sake of patients to bring them under universal health coverage. Hope for the best.