Published on: March 9, 2018

We are glad to report that Dr Stephen Connor, the head of Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance and a friend and benefactor of Indian palliative care, has been appointed to the WHO civil society working group ahead of the forthcoming High Level Meeting. You can see details of the group here:

Dear Stephen, we cannot think of many people who could be better advocates for those in pain and suffering. All strength to your hands.

One response to “Dr Stephen Connor appointed to WHO working group”

  1. Dr pranab Kumar Basu says:

    Congratulations, Dr Stephen and I believe that you &your team will be able to alleviate the pain suffered by the patients of all diseases, specially terminal patients combating the deadly disease CANCER. I personally acted as CAREGIVER for my nearest and dearest wife who fought relentlessly with high spirit of mental power. One humble question, whether palliative care can extend the lifespan arresting the disease, besides pain relief.