What does golf have to do with palliative care? Ask Mr Sandip Jariwala
Mr Sandip Jariwala, from Pleasanton, CA, USA writes:
Relief From Cancer’s inaugural charity golf tournament was held at the Los Lagos Golf Course in San Jose, CA, on Friday, September 22, 2017. The tournament attracted 82 golf players and several sponsors who supported the fundraising event to help cancer patients and their families through donations to various nonprofit organizations in India and the US.
The charity golf tournament event was organized to raise awareness and funds for CanKids in New Delhi, St. Jude India Child Care Centers in Mumbai, Pallium India in Trivandrum, Indo-American Cancer Association in Houston, National Pediatric Cancer Foundation in Tampa, FL, and Asian American Donor Program in Alameda, CA.
The event began with a bone barrow registration drive conducted by the Alameda-based Asian American Donor Program (AADP) followed by lunch, golf, dinner reception and awards ceremony. The event ended with a raffle. Sandip Jariwala, founder of Relief From Cancer, highlighted facts relating to the gaps in providing access to quality medical care for cancer patients in India and the hardships their families go through.
Dr. Jerina Kapoor, associated with Stanford University Health Care, represented Pallium India at the charity event and highlighted the need for providing palliative care and pain medication to cancer patients in India and the important work that remains to be done for bringing awareness and training staff in providing palliative care at hospitals in India.
Volunteers from Relief From Cancer will be present at other community events in the Bay Area, including Sevathon and Tiecon, to increase awareness about the needs of cancer patients and their families in different parts of India and to illustrate how the nonprofits there are actively working to provide help as a result of donations received from the USA. To volunteer or make a donation, please write to sandip@relieffromcancer.org or call (510) 381 7221.
The efforts of Sandip and his organization “Relief from Cancer” towards providing relief from cancer to those afflicted by this deadly disease is indeed highly laudable. They provide the much needed motivation to others to follow suit. “Service to mankind, is service to God” and they have exemplified this truth by their humane act.