Elisabeth Kübler-Ross is here with us in Pallium India!
Thanks to the generosity of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation, its chief functionary Dianne Gray and Ken Ross (Elisabeth’s son), we have received a gift of numerous precious books to our Bruce Davis Education Centre at Trivandrum Institute of Palliative Sciences (TIPS).
TIPS was established in 2006 and acts as the flagship of Pallium India, delivering and demonstrating quality palliative care and education. Doctors and nurses from many countries, but particularly from all parts of India, come here to undergo our six weeks certificate courses.
The library is for the use of the trainees as well less for our own staff and volunteers. The process of cataloguing of the new arrivals is nearing completion. The revamped “Kübler-Ross Pallium library” will soon be ready. It will have a separate section on EKR publications.
The Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation is truly honored to collaborate with Pallium India in bringing this library to fruition. You are doing extraordinary work in helping patients and families in India receive the care they truly need and deserve. Thank you for carrying forth Elisabeth’s tradition of compassionate care. With gratitude, Dianne Gray, President, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation http://www.ekrfoundation.org