Bindu’s most important decision in her life
What do you do when you are all set to celebrate Onam (the annual harvest festival of Kerala) and discover that your 83-year-old dear Daddy has a medical problem? The festival turns to a nightmare – a trip from doctor to doctor and from hospital to hospital. Then the verdict – brain tumour. And the solution – surgery.
Bindu Nair, a volunteer for Pallium India, and her family had to go through with the process of an agonizing decision – what would be the best for her Daddy. The surgery would take care of his tumour but what would it do to the person in the meantime? She needed answers. Finally, she found a doctor who would talk, not only about the tumour but also about her father. That doctor agreed with her that rather than the surgery, what may be best for the quality of his life for the remainder of the time may be the alternative, palliative care.
Bindu says that if she had not been exposed to palliative care she wouldn’t have known how to approach the issue, and how to get the medical system to help her father and not just the tumour. Read the article “How Palliative Care helped me make an important decision in life” published in the Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy.
The Journal of Pain and Palliative care Pharmacotherapy is an indexed journal that has made the narratives free access. The journal welcomes your narratives on pain, suffering and relief. Tell your story to the world and help improve palliative care awareness.
Dr. Rajagopal : Chief, unbeatable, unconquerable in the area of Pain and Palliative Care : is pretty known to me and my family-tree right from the day when my wife P Kamalammal was taken on emergencies to AIMS, Cochi for further investigations/treatment as referred-to by VSSC, ISRO, Trivandrum. Chaami (me) do not wish to lengthen his and his family’s sky-high appreciations about Dr. Rajagopal’s miraculous investigations/attack to the ailment/and the fabulous results obtained, when ALL OTHER MEDICATIONS/INJECTIONS/PHYSIO THERAPY FAILED AWFULLY…Dr. Rajagopal : U R our saviour and U R absolutely unbeatable in your this area. Totally unmatched though, Dr. Rajagopal has an awful simplicity : a kidilraaja humbleness…that humble smile…that humble and polite and love inspiring attitudes which even now remain the same as we saw him around ~11 years ago. We will be furthering our link no sooner than we return to India in Jan. 2016…Raajagopal Sir…A love filled salute from Chaami & Teaam…JayaHo.