We demand justice! We have waited long enough.
The Rotary Club of Trivandrum and Freemasons Club of Trivandrum, in association with Pallium India, Indian Medical Association Kerala, Indian Society of Anaesthetists Kerala and Indian Association of Palliative Care Kerala, together organized a public meeting at Hassan Marikar Hall on the 2nd of February, 2015, to make a declaration on behalf of the people of Kerala.
Dr Katherine Pettus, Advocacy Officer of the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC), spoke about “Palliative Care and Human Rights in the Indian Constitution and International Law“.
Click here to read the draft declaration.
In summary, we are declaring that access to pain relief and appropriate end of life care are our rights, and are demanding that all hospitals in Kerala must have the essential medicine morphine, with doctors and nurses trained in pain management, and that hospitals should have an appropriate end of life care policy ensuring life and death with dignity without inappropriate interventions.
Please read the declaration and send us your comments. We shall discuss and modify it appropriately before submission to the authorities and taking follow up action.
Dear Sir,
Excellent Initiative and indeed need of the hour…
Devender Bhardwaj