“WISH” and Suu Kyi
The star attraction was the famous keynote speaker and Nobel laureate Ms Aung San Suu Kyi, from Myanmar. Having spent much of her life in jail, Suu Kyi is currently leading the country towards a healthy future. Suu Kyi started by saying that health, to her, is not only the treatment of diseases, but something involving “care.” Without care, health system is meaningless. To her, health has to comprise of looking after the person as a whole, addressing psychological, social and spiritual issues.
In her own words,
“Health care is not just about hospitals, but about the human spirit that will enable human beings to care for themselves and to care for others.”
“Do not think of health care in terms of technology and medicines alone. Think in terms of nurturing health in all domains so that we shall be able to live harmoniously in a state of happiness, serenity, mutual respect and support.”
“The kind of health care that I look forward to is one that is rooted in humanity and spirituality.”
Suu Kyi’s subject of discussion was not Palliative Care. But everything that she said about health care was what all Palliative Care people practice, day in and day out. Suu Kyi’s keynote address again brings home the point that Palliative Care is not something to stand alone, but one that should permeate into health care as a whole and cause a transformation, bringing into it humanity and compassion.
One whole discussion on end of life care can be viewed on