2 day Refresher Course in Pain and Palliative Medicine at Trivandrum
Pallium India’s Trivandrum Institue of Palliative Sciences (TIPS) and Pain Clinic, Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) Trivandrum welcome you to a 2 day Refresher Course in Pain and Palliative Medicine at Trivandrum.
The objective is to update knowledge and skills in Palliative Medicine, to exchange experiences with peers, to keep abreast of the latest advances in the subjects and to create the culture of learning and self development. (Considering the feedbacks from our Delhi course in 2012, we have included more practical sessions this time.)
Date : 7,8 December, 2013
Venue : Auditorium 2, SCTIMST, Medical College Campus, Trivandrum-11.
Eligibility : Doctors who have had a minimum of 10 days’ practical hands-on training in Palliative medicine are invited.
Faculty :
- Dr. Odette Spruyt, Melbourne
- Dr. M.R. Rajagopal, Trivandrum
- Dr. Rajashree Suresh, Calicut
- Dr. Charu Singh, Cochin
- Dr. Ajmal, Thalassery
How to apply : Please click on the following link to go to the application page. Before applying keep a Cheque /DD of Rs. 1,000/- (registration fee) in favour of “Pallium India” payable at Trivandrum ready. You will be asked to enter the details of Cheque/DD to complete the application process.
Registration fee : Rs. 1,000/-
Last date for Application : October 31, 2013
Contact : Dr. Abu Laize C.B, 9746745499, apm@palliumindia.live-website.com
Number of seats : To encourage interaction, we are forced to limit the number of participants to 30.
Welcome and Happy Learning – Organising Committee
what is the age limit? and qualifycation required