Published on: June 30, 2012

It happened! The MD course in Palliative Medicine started in Tata Cancer Hospital, Mumbai.

Dr Arunangshu Ghoshal (right) is the first doctor to join the three year course.

It was a pleasure to talk to him and to share his enthusiasm:

“No one knows about palliative care. Medical students must learn it.”, he said.

You have a heavy responsibility on your young shoulders, Dr Arunangshu!

Palliative Care team at Tata Cancer Hospital

Best wishes to Dr Arunangshu, and a hearty congratulations to Professor Maryann Muckaden and team, on this achievement!

2 responses to “Dr Arunangshu Ghoshal: an important link in the history of Palliative Care in India”

  1. Misah Paidi says:

    Congratulation on your decision, I believe it is not a day of thinking… your made up your commitment.. of course as people say young shoulder but i believe too… as HE touch your heart and Minds , your soul agreed and yourself project it…. welcome to Palliative care ministry… where the life begins….
    ” You matter because….

  2. Shikhamoni Chetia says:


    I want to convey my sincere congratulation for the great achievement.Best wishes