Our grandmothers passed on to us the kitchen table wisdom “Health is wealth” – how did we get to forget it? A recent Guardian report, “Healthcare spending [...]
Blogger Kelly Oxford quotes a nurse who wrote on the “Arise India forum“: “For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who [...]
Here’s another story from The Guardian, the story of a father and son laughing over a stroke, then cancer and eventually death! Jason Cook: My dad’s [...]
A report in The Guardian’s Datablog brings our attention to the latest statistics on the causes of death in England and Wales. Behind the falling death rates, [...]
Death is feared by most, no doubt. Can it become a beautiful experience, the final expected opening of a door, the person turning back smiling [...]
Broadcast recently in the UK on Channel 4 foreign affairs series Unreported World, India’s Leprosy Heroes, highlighted the problem of leprosy in India. The report reveals the [...]
One of the fundamental ethical principles of medical practice is “Justice” – the fair allocation of available resources. So, should the National Health Service of [...]
The Rain Gods Helped Us! Our celebrations for World Palliative Care Day on 9th October 2010 in Trivandrum were a phenomenal success. It was raining cats [...]
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