Cancer Aid Society, an Indian NGO, calls for applications from palliative care activists for an award, carrying a purse of Rs. 100,000. Application/ Nominations are [...]
Pallium India came across Dr Bishnu Dutta Paudel first during the International Pain Policy Fellowship program at Madison-Wisconsin. Dr Bishnu is an oncologist with keen [...]
India’s Cancer Aid Society (CAIDS) invites applications and nomination for the CAIDS Palliative Care Award 2011. Closing Date: 12 noon (IST) 30th November 2011 CAIDS is an Indian [...]
Cairdeas (pronounced cardis) is a Gaelic word meaning “World-wide friendship and fellowship”. Mhoira Leng has worked with and supported palliative care workers in India for [...]
Mr Piyush Gupta, Secretary of Cancer Aid Society, has worked hard in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) and neighboring states for palliative care advocacy. Most of the few [...]
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