Another celebration of community participation of palliative care

What does it mean to be a volunteer in palliative care in Kerala?
Of course, it is to wipe a lot of tears and lend a hand to those who need support.
It is to be a friend to the friendless and family to the lonely.
And it is not only to give; it is also to receive – tears of gratitude and meaning of life.
You can touch it and feel it – if you read Malayalam – in this book by a much-respected volunteer Yashoda teacher – “Santhwana Vazhiyile Nombara Kazhchakal” (സാന്ത്വനവഴിയിലെ നൊമ്പരക്കാഴ്ചകൾ).
Price: ₹240 by PayTM: 9845191855 or by using the link:
Please send address and screenshot of payment to the number 9845191855.
The proceeds from this book will be used for palliative care work.