Call for Advocacy Partnerships in Palliative Care

The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) has invited applications from institutions for a grant for advocacy and partnerships to support palliative care organizations to build capacity and constructive partnerships.
Preference will be given to national palliative care associations or transnational organisations that represent palliative care workers/patients and caregivers and institutions located in Low- and Middle-Income countries.
Deadline to apply: August 30, 2022
More information: IAHPC Advocacy and Partnerships Development (APAD) Program
The IAHPC Advocacy and Partnerships Development (APAD) Program is designed to assist palliative care organizations to improve service provision in their own countries or regions. This program aims to develop a global cadre of IAHPC members to advocate for improved access to essential palliative care medicines at national, regional, and global levels.
The APAD program includes an award given to institutions/organizations working to advance palliative care in their countries, and mentoring from IAHPC staff and board members as appropriate for a period of two years. The program is aimed to build alliances and partnerships with professional and grassroots organizations to broaden the advocacy base, improve access to essential palliative care medicines in the public system, including palliative care in professional education curricula, service implementation to improve access to palliative care treatment and policy development or implementation at the national level.
Applicants must complete an online application and present a project proposal focusing on how they will build institutional capacity to facilitate constructive relationships with all relevant actors, including government officials and media representatives, with the goal of improving access to services for people with palliative care needs. Project proposals may relate to advocacy at specified levels of governance for raising public and policymaker awareness – from the household to health system levels – about how basic palliative care services can prevent catastrophic Out of Pocket (OOP) spending.
Selected institutions or organizations will be awarded US $1,000 for the first year, with another amount to be determined (not exceeding US $1,500) for the second year.