Petition to modify the telemedicine practice guidelines
Please sign this petition from IAPC to MCI Board of Governors requesting modification to the Telemedicine Practice Guidelines issued on 25 March 2020.
The Telemedicine Practice Guidelines contain a Prohibited List, the medicines included in which cannot be prescribed by an RMP providing consultation via telemedicine.
However, there are patients for example, in advanced stages of cancer, who require Essential Narcotic Drugs (ENDs) to control their severe persistent pain. The ENDs come under the NDPS Act and Rules.
The petition requests, “To maintain safe and rational use of ENDs, the IAPC recommends that in-person evaluation be mandated for initiating the prescription of ENDs, while refills may be allowed through tele-consultation. We also request for permission to switch one END with another when deemed necessary, for continuing to treat the same pain condition effectively.”
Read more and sign the petition: