Free Advocacy online course from IAHPC
International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC), announces the launching of the online course “Advocating for Palliative Care in the Multilateral System” (Basic).
The online basic course was developed by Dr. Katherine Pettus, IAHPC Advocacy Officer and it builds on her work and expertise as an advocate for palliative care.
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Explain and discuss the basic multilateral advocacy terms and language.
- Identify and understand the role of the key institutions and meetings involved in palliative care advocacy.
- Locate and translate the multilateral documents that oblige governments to provide palliative care services in your country.
- Describe the basic mechanics and challenges of multilateral advocacy.
- Recognize the importance of partnerships and collaborations in palliative care advocacy.
Click here to join Free Advocacy online course
This basic course is free to IAHPC members. To join/renew membership, please visit IAHPC website.
An advanced course will be made available in 2020 for members who have completed the basic course.