The two opioid crises
Close on the heels of multi-million settlements by Oklahoma state with the pharma giants Purdue Pharma (270m) and Teva Pharmaceuticals (85m), comes the court verdict which orders Johnson & Johnson to pay a fine of US$ 572m which would go towards treatment of opioid addiction. Please see the report: Opioid crisis: Johnson & Johnson hit by landmark ruling
Much has been written and spoken on this subject, and most of it has been one-sided. But not the reports by Sarah Varney, based on the opioid situation in India. How big pharma is targeting India’s booming opioid market and In India’s Slums, ‘Painkillers Are Part Of The Daily Routine’
The articles talk about both sides of the coin – the twin-crises: suffering and death by addiction on the one hand and the other opioid crisis of untreated pain in much of the world, on the other.