Thank you, you people with compassion!
On the first of July, we made an appeal on our website and shared it in social media on behalf of three teenagers:
Those three girls had seen how people dear to them went through agonies with major health issues and how their families were destroyed financially. Their experience with disease and suffering made them determined to become doctors. But entrance examinations for admission to medical college make no allowance for attitude, commitment or passion. Only facts and figures count. They do not stand a chance unless they attend coaching classes, which are expensive by our standards.
For the three girls, an annual requirement would be a total of ₹3.2 lakhs (approximately $4600).
We sought sponsorship from anyone who would help.
We did not have to wait for long. Mr Sandip Jariwala of Relief from Cancer, came forward to support two of them. The third was jointly supported by Kunal Ashok Desai and another person who wishes to remain anonymous.
Thank you, you wonderful donors, for giving the three girls a chance to make their dreams come true!