Compassionate obstetricians and gynaecologists of Navi Mumbai
What is it about the air in Navi Mumbai that gives such great energy to the obstetricians and gynaecologists there? Whatever it is, Pallium India felt their drive and their compassion at a day of deliberations on palliative care that they undertook on 14 April 2019. The Chairman of Pallium India delivered the Daftary oration which was created by the legend, Dr Shirish Daftary.
Dr Daftary spoke about the need for pain relief in labour and for Indianising the process. The western model of pain relief in labour, which is manpower-intensive, will not do for our country, where an anesthetist’s time is hard to come by even for life-saving surgical procedures. Dr Shirish Daftary has several publications on this subject.
We look forward to working with this dynamic group, now headed by Dr Mini Namboothiri and Dr K S Bindu.