Ashla Rani’s visit to California
Pallium India’s friend Sara Schear took the initiative to start a crowdfunding campaign to organise Ashla Rani’s travel to California so that she could meet and interact with luminaries like B J Miller and Dr. Grace Dammann.
We were indeed overcome by the warmth with which the world received the crowd-funding request. How can we thank the numerous individuals who came forward to help us in this fashion! Mary Gauwitz certainly heads the list with her generosity! How can we forget the frenetic enthusiasm and contribution of Dr Jan Stjernsward, former chief of cancer and palliative care at World Health Organisation and the immediate and warm reaction and contribution of Dr Yusuf Hamied!
No; these words are not enough. Everyone who helped, please forgive us for not mentioning each by name. But many of us have a thankful prayer for each of you in our hearts.