Some learning, fun and a touch of Jimikki Kammal!
Dr Ann Broderick writes about this year’s ‘India Winterim’ program wherein students from University of Iowa visit Pallium India, Trivandrum, for three weeks.
This year a record number of students and professors from the University of Iowa joined Pallium India/TIPS. In a new twist, the students and professors worked on projects identified by Pallium India staff instead of spending time in the classroom.
One group of students led by Dr. Ann Broderick interviewed (with Palllium India volunteers serving as interpreters) 24 of the 30 vocational rehabilitation patients to determine how to improve the training services provided. Another group led by Dr. Kashelle Lockman reviewed national and regional recommendations for antibiotics for different infections and designed a form to facilitate appropriate use of antibiotics. They also designed a data collection form to see how Pallium India clinicians use antibiotics currently. A third group, led by Dr. Stephanie Gilbertson-White designed interventions to reduce the risk of pressure sores with teaching materials for families, and fun demonstrations with the inpatient and home care nurses.
TEAM IOWA worked hard, and still found time to run in a 2K and 10K race with Pallium India t-shirts, go trekking to Ponmudi, and learn a dance move or two to Jimikki Kammal.
Students of University of Iowa at the Trivandrum Run on January 13, wearing Tshirts asking people to “Ask Me About Pallium India”