H.M Patel oration at Pramukh Swami Medical College
Pramukh Swami Medical College in Karamsad, near Anand, Gujarat is one of the institutions where Pallium India has facilitated the creation of a palliative care service. Under the leadership of Dr Dinesh Kumar, Professor of Community Medicine, and with enthusiastic support from the chairman, the dean and the CEO, the recently launched service is thriving and promising to reach greater heights.
Dr M. R. Rajagopal, Chairman of Pallium India, was invited to deliver the H.M Patel oration instituted in the memory of a truly great human being, Sri H.M Patel, who was the Partition Secretary at the time of India’s independence and a close associate of Sardar Vallabhai Patel. Dr Patel’s post-retirement life was dedicated to the upliftment of rural people. Needless to say, it was a huge privilege for Dr Rajagopal and Pallium India to deliver the oration instituted in his name at the H.M Patel Centre for Medical Care and Education. As an interesting point of history, Pallium India trustee Mr Kesav Desiraju IAS (former Principal Secretary Health of Government of India) was the orator at the same event a few years back.
As often happens at palliative care events nowadays, the hall was overflowing and there were many standees at the back. The rising interest about palliative care was so palpable and enthusing.
This is the third institution that Pallium India is associating with, in Gujarat. We collaborate with GCRI in Ahmedabad for the running of a training centre, with Medical College Jamnagar for a palliative care centre initiated a few years back and now we are pleased to add this gem to the collection.