The triumph of human spirit: Jyothi Kumar takes off
Dr M. R. Rajagopal writes:
Some people command your respect. I could not avoid an inferiority complex as I sat next to 4 people on wheelchairs. How I wish I had half their strength to overcome difficulties and to move forward! Jyothi Kumar was formally opening his school – the usual invocation, lighting the lamp, inaugural speeches. Nothing unusual there. What was unusual was Jyothi Kumar’s courage, initiative and enthusiasm. This was his very own art school.
Jyothi Kumar’s story is truly inspiring. From despair after finding himself a paraplegic young man following a fall, Dr Sreekala and her colleagues at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Medical Collage Hospital, Trivandrum, not only gave him physiotherapy; they gave him strength of a different kind. His own indomitable spirit overcame his despair. He is a multi- faceted personality – poet, author, artist – all rolled into one. Pallium India’s half way home (in which the department of social justice of Government of Kerala is our partner) had the good fortune to have Jyothi among the group for a month or more.
You have the ability and the courage, Jyothi. There will be difficulties; but they are there to overcome, as you would say. Best wishes!