Published on: November 30, 2016



Pallium India turns 13 this December! Here’s what Pallium India’s volunteer Bob Walley and his enthusiastic team have planned for the Birthday. You can help! Please read Bob’s message below:

Its Pallium India’s 13th birthday in a few days!
Pallium is an amazing palliative care charity that only survives on donations from kind people around India and beyond that keep it going.
But the building is looking a bit dilapidated…
So we are hoping to slap a bit of paint around the place, paint a few murals and generally brighten up the Hospice for the many patients that come in each week.
But we need YOUR help!
We need paint to do this, and so have set up a funding page below.
Please share around and pop a few sheckles in if you can.
Anything you can give will make a BIG difference.
Click here:

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