Published on: March 19, 2016

In 1972, Bhutan’s King challenged the world to give importance to human happiness than to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Are the richest nations necessarily the ones where people are happy? The concept caused some a kind of revolution. Happiness seemed too soft, and not scientific and measurable enough to our trained material world. Yet, it found its way to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Among 156 countries that were included in the World Happiness Report 2016, India ranked 118th, one slot below its position last year.

Look at the latest report at:

Happiness Index

One response to “If you had to choose between wealth and happiness, what would you choose?”

  1. Dr Sara Varghese says:

    Discussed IHD at our elders meeting .the date is 20.3 .The historical perspectives very interesting — role of Jamie. Illinen An adopted person from. Calcutta Had a very interesting discussion on individual experiences of happiness Bhutan kings role and the concept of GNH needs to be known not just GDP