Pallium India’s “Paint a Room Mission” kicked off
On January 15, 2016, as part of Kerala Palliative Care Day programs, Pallium India’s new initiative, “Paint a Room” was inaugurated by Deputy Mayor of Thiruvananthapuram, Adv. Rakhi Ravikumar, at Manaveeyam Veedhi, Thiruvananthapuram.
Pallium India cares for several people who are bed-bound. Their lives are confined to the four walls of their room. The sights that some of us take for granted – of nature and her astounding creations – are denied to them, for they may not even have access to a window. Our intention is to make a small difference in their lives, if we can.
With the ‘Paint a Room’ mission, we try to understand their interests and what makes them happy, and paint those pictures on their wall, with colours they find pleasing. Will it make their lives more pleasant? We certainly hope it does, at least a tiny bit.
This activity was kicked off with support from friends and well-wishers of Pallium India. But to keep going, we need support from each one of you as well. Will you help us? Please contact us to know how you can.
Kerala Palliative Care Day is celebrated across the state every year on January 15. This year, the focus of palliative care day was on “Knowledge and Compassion for Quality Care”. Several programs were conducted by palliative care enthusiasts to increase awareness on palliative care and to improve access to essential medicines for the needy.
To see more pictures of the program at Manaveeyam Veedhi, please visit our Facebook page.