Dr Odette Spruyt delivers first “APHN dialog” talk
Asia Pacific Hospice Network (APHN) has launched a new initiative – a pilot education program for palliative care workers in the Asia Pacific regions. The first such program, a trial run, took place at 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. IST on Wednesday the 27th of January. Dr Odette Spruyt gave the first talk, summarising the global regional and country status of palliative care in the Asia Pacific Hospice Region.
Among the various topics that were discussed, to us the most exciting recent event happens to be the World Health Assembly’s resolution on integration of palliative care into health care. Efforts are under way for implementation of the resolution by the World Health Organization. The world over, palliative care activists are working together towards it. The Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) Alliance has been one strong force persuading action. Whether it be the area of opioid access, palliative care education or creation of policy and its implementation, the WHA resolution could be a strong tool for palliative care activitists in their attempts at persuading government action. In recent months, a country NCD alliance is developing in India. Perhaps, this could be an effective forum in every country. When different organizations in different areas connected with NCDs come together, the collective strength can be considerable.