Kuttikkoottam Summer Camp 2015
In the reasonably comfortable life that most of us live, we very often take many things for granted. Do we ever stop to think what life is like for a child, whose family has been destroyed by an illness, paralysis of a parent or death in the family? By the time the event has occurred, all the family’s financial resources would have been exhausted. These children may drop out of school.
Pallium India’s education support program now looks after about 300 children. But their lives are grey. They do not have opportunity for a lot of fun.
Pallium India’s volunteers have initiated and have been successfully conducting a 3-day summer camp for these children, for the past few years. This year, too, the program was held from 23rd to 25th of April. Shri P. Vijayan IPS inaugurated the program. The children could not have had a better role model. Shri Vijayan was a child labourer for five years, before he could earn enough to get a degree, and then had to work in a soap factory for another five years before he could realise his ambitions pertaining to education. There were many motivational talks and one whole day was spent in the Magic Planet – a day dedicated to some fun.
Volunteers of Pallium India, we salute you for essential humanity. And dear children, thank you very much for giving us the privilege of offering you some support.