The time to retrospect, and to plan forward
Well, friends, it is Christmas time. The year is almost over – it is time to look back at the year gone by and to say a few thanks.
It has been a great year – a year that certainly holds promise for reduced burden of disease-related suffering in our country. At the national level, the NDPS Act has been amended, though the state rules are yet to be announced. The National Program in Palliative Care is slowly making progress. Many people stood with us in this difficult journey, and no words are enough to express our gratitude.
This year, Pallium India organized a task force to create curricula for MBBS and Nursing undergraduate education and also for training of doctors, so that they can qualify to man Recognized Medical Institutions for stocking and dispensing opioids. Palliative care enthusiasts from different parts of the country came together to make this happen. To them also, our heartfelt gratitude.
There have been many more exciting events this year which made us feel that our efforts are closer to bearing fruit, though the path forward is long and hard. For everyone who supported the work, for everyone who helped to lay this foundation on which we have to build our future work, for everyone who continues to stand by us, Thank You very much!
Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.