Published on: June 26, 2014

photo (7)It was a pleasure and privilege to meet Mr K. R. Raja during the inauguration of a day care centre and early detection centre for cancer at Thirunelveli. Mr Raja is on crutches, because he had poliomyelitis as a child and inappropriate intramuscular injections ensured his lower limb weakness. He is a medical and psychiatric social worker, working in Palayamkottai Central Prison. He heard about the event organized by Udhavum Ullangal (Helping Souls) and attended a palliative care awareness program.

Working with prisoners, he has an observation to make. He finds a significantly large number of men in prison who have killed their wives, possibly in a fit of anger. Raja asks, “Okay, he has killed. He is assured of at least three meals a day in prison. What crime did his child do to be deprived of any care or even to starve?”

Those children are a part of the neglected members of our society whom you and I find convenient not to see. Raja does not. He has a program to support them.

There is so much of sadness in the society; but also so much of goodness. Saddening, and heart-warming.

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