Dr Naidoo, INCB, and opioids
The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) has the huge task of controlling abuse of opioids. But the board believes in and promotes the principle of balance – that is, while abuse must be curtailed, access to pain relief has to be maintained.
Dr Liz Gwyther writes in ehospice about a meeting with Dr Lochan Naidoo, the President of the International Narcotics Control Board. Dr Naidoo is an internationally recognized addiction medicine professional. He is planning a high level review and an update of the report on opioid availability for the United Nations General Assembly meeting in 2016.
Dr Gwyther’s report also mentions Pallium India’s request for focus on the availability of low cost opioids and formulations in developing countries. Dr Naidoo noted this matter, Dr Liz Gwyther reports. She goes on to add, “Dr Raj also reminded us of the palliumindia.live-website.com/manifesto signed by 60 launch partners – including HPCA – across the world.”
Thank you, Dr Liz Gwyther and Dr Zodwa Sithole, for bringing attention to the lamentable lack of access to opioids around the world. Thank you, Dr Naidoo. Your word counts globally. We are very grateful to you.