“An epidemic of pain in India” and the NDPS Act
Published on: December 8, 2013
The international and national press have certainly been supportive of all the efforts currently under way in India to get the Parliament to enact the proposed amendment of the Narcotics Act of India.
The New Yorker of the 6th of December carries a story by Kulsoom-Um-E Shariff, a touching description of the suffering of people in pain and the current efforts to get the Parliament’s attention to the pending NDPS Amendment bill.
The Times of India on 01 December wrote “Morphine available to just 1% cancer sufferers“.
The Telegraph on 26 November wrote on”Cry for Law to Help Ease Cancer Pain“.
The Asian Age of 05 December carried the story, “Improve Access to Pain Relief Drugs, PM Urged”.
CNN-IBN had done a program on the subject. You can watch it on Youtube by clicking below.
With all this, let us hope the people who matter take notice.