Medicos’ training: we are jubilant!
- It reminded me that the patient is a person. I shall never again refer to the patient as a case.
- I think that this course has refined me. I will be a better person.
- I have learnt to respect the wishes of the patient.
- I understood why I must be a doctor with a “heart”, I have learnt the importance of compassion.
- I think I will become a doctor with a head, hands and heart.
- I learnt things that are really important in the practice of medicine; things that are not mentioned in the textbooks that I had studied.
- I learnt how to relieve pain; how to use analgesics.
- I can now support dying patients.
- I think this was a great start for my house-surgeoncy.
Thank you, dear friends, for participating in the program. Welcome to the club of doctors with a heart. Congratulations, Dr Ambu and team for making this happen.