India’s Health Secretary, Shri Keshav Desiraju visits Pallium India
Crossing flooded and mud-clogged fields, Shri Keshav Desi Raju IAS, Health Secretary, Govt. of India took time to visit bed-ridden patients under home based care of Pallium India on 13 July 2013, during his visit to Kerala. Shr. Rajiv Sadanandan IAS, Health Sec, Govt. of Kerala, Dr. Beena IAS, NRHM Mission Director and Dr. Rajagopal, Chairman, Pallium India and team, accompanied him to get a first hand understanding of field requirements and poor patient’s needs during the visit. A meeting was later held at Pallium India office on various aspects of the proposed National Palliative Care Strategy and the possibilities of support for palliative care from the Health Care system at State and National levels.
Looking back on the day, we are full with equal measures of gratitude and awe. Here is one man who must be feeling the burden of being responsible for the health of one-sixth of the global population, yet he finds time to travel to the heart of India where people live and suffer. Thank you, Shri Desiraju.