Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Honored in Switzerland
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who came to be called (with affection and respect) the “death and dying lady” receives the posthumous honor of having a street in Switzerland named after her. Her son, Ken Ross who heads the Kubler Ross Foundation, writes to give us the news from the city council.
“In recognition of her world famous work, the Council of Meilen gave the Meilemer honorary citizenship on March 10, 1998 to Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who became the first woman with this honor. The Council now uses the opportunity to name the new road in the area close to her former home – Kübler Ross Street. Thus, the municipal council would like to express their respect and it’s tribute to the pioneering work of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and give a fixed place in miles for our Meilemer honorary citizen.”
Translated into the Indian language Malayalam, Kubler-Ross’s famous “On Death and Dying” is being published in Pallium India’s monthly, “Sahayatra”.