Hearty congratulations, Dr Ann Thyle and colleagues
Dr Ann Thyle from Emmanuel Hospital Association writes to give us some good news:
I’m very happy to let you know that the palliative care service at HBM Hospital, Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh won first prize in the Development category from the International Journal of Palliative Nursing. For details please see the following link: http://emms.org/news/development-award-lalitpur-palliative-care
I’m writing specially to thank each of you for helping us with training, visits, evaluations and mentoring. Everything became so much easier when we had the support of experienced people such as yourselves. Personally, it’s been wonderful for me to have you to refer to as I strive to expand our services across other EHA hospitals. Presently 2 of our hospitals in UP, and 1 each in Maharashtra, Assam and Delhi are running home based care PC services.