Breaking Down Barriers to Advance Care Planning
What are your wishes for the end of your life?
This is not always an easy topic to raise. Fear, unease, and denial are common responses. Even for those who have already been diagnosed with a serious or life limiting disease, committing the plans to paper is often emotionally challenging.
Pallium India-USA has made it its mission to educate the Indian community living in the USA about how to embark on this kind of advance care planning. They take a culturally sensitive approach that is working well as they reach out to the community.
On March 21, 2012, Pallium India-USA gave a presentation to the Seniors at the India Community Center in Cupertino, California. The talk was greatly appreciated by the many seniors in the community who turned out for the presentation.
The event started with an introduction by Dr Jerina Kapoor, chair of the organization, about Pallium India-USA’s mission and the significance of Advance Health Care Directives in our lives.
Dr Raji Ayyar, an oncologist, then gave a powerful presentation on the details of Advance Health Care Directives, enriched with examples from her own professional and personal life.
Pallium India-USA volunteer Ms Zarina Kaji then took time to explain to the audience about the organization’s Hospice Volunteer Program.
To cap it off, participants took home copies of a user-friendly California Advance Health Care Directive form.