An Indian Book on Palliative Care
But, not just another book on Palliative Care!

Palliative Cancer Care: Our perspective
Dr Dinesh Chandra Goswami, the palliative care pioneer from Guwahati Pain and Palliative Care Society, Assam, India, has published a book, “Palliative Cancer Care: Our perspective”.
And before anyone says to oneself, “Oh, yet another book on palliative care?”, let me add that this book is special.
It is special because it has such strong roots in India. It certainly draws on what the West has learnt and taught on palliative care, but has a solid foundation built on experiences on Indian soil.
Looking at it superficially, you will notice that the book is bilingual – with English as well as an Assamese version.
When you look deeper, you will also find an all-pervading air of spirituality. I am sure many would find the sections on Yoga and Self-Awareness interesting.
This is not a textbook on Palliative Care. It is a collection of essays from the author, translated into English by his wife Mandira Sarma.
Published by Lakshmi Prakashan, Mathura Nagar, Guwahati, 781 006, India. Contact Dr Goswami at: goswamidcg [at]
– This news was also published in the IAHPC’s September newsletter