Published on: June 13, 2011

UN High-level Meeting on NCDs

We’ve received a special request from Ms Poonam Bagai, India’s Global Cancer Ambassador to the upcoming UN High-level Meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) prevention and control.

On June 20th, Poonam will meet with Indian Mission to the United States to put forward specific requests for the meeting.

YOUR INPUT is requested on questions from the American Cancer Society’s “Asks and Talking Points” document. Your responses will help Poonam prepare an India-specific document for presentation to the UN mission representatives and decision makers. The main topics for your comment:

UN Asks and Talking Points: [DOWNLOAD .DOC]

General Talking Points – Importance of cancer and NCD control
ASK 1: Tobacco Control – Accelerate implementation of the WHO FCTC to achieve a world free from tobacco by 2040.
Ask 2: Comprehensive Cancer & NCD Control – Increase access to affordable drugs and technologies for cancer and other NCDs

    NCD Alliance (Lancet paper) – Priority actions for the NCD crisis will prevent millions of premature NCD events every year & 10 highlighted actions from the NCD alliance priorities.

    Download both documents as a PDF HERE…

    Download the document, include your responses and send to

    Ms. Poonam Bagai is founder-president of “Cankids…Kidscan” and vice-chair of Pallium India. She has been selected as a Global Cancer Ambassador by the American Cancer Society as part of its “We can, We should, We will, Conquer Cancer” campaign.

    Read our blog post on Poonam’s ACS award…

    The United Nations is holding a High Level Meeting on NCD in September 2011. This meeting will bring together heads of state and political leaders to discuss and create International Policy Guidelines to address NCDs. As a Global Ambassador, she will meet with UN mission representatives and decision makers to advocate making cancer and non-communicable diseases (NCD) an overall health priority in India and around the world.

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