Published on: May 24, 2011

A coalition of palliative care organizations including the Lien Foundation, International Association for Study of Pain (IASP), Institute of Palliative Medicine San Diego, The May Day Fund, and Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) have come together to produce a series of 50 short films – one to be released each week – free for public viewing. Mike Hill and team from Moonshine Movies in Australia have spent a couple of years of their lives to produce them. Watch the trailer:

OK, the problem is visible now. What are we going to do about it?

We’ll be posting the latest films from the project on the blog as they are released. You can also follow DEATH on Facebook(!)

LIFE Before Death: Live Well, Die Better.

One in every ten people alive today will die in severe pain because the cheap medicine they need is derived from opium, perhaps the most controversial and controlled substance on Earth.

LIFE Before Death is a documentary project about the remarkable health professionals battling the sweeping epidemic of pain that threatens to condemn one in every ten of us to an agonizing and shameful death. Their tireless struggle pits them against unfeeling governments, dysfunctional bureaucracies, voracious corporations, over-zealous law enforcement agencies and, above all, the deep-seated attitudes of you and I.

Through the eyes of patients and their families we discover the inherent humanity that empowers the best of us to care for those beyond cure. We uncover hard truths about the torture occurring everyday in hospitals around the world but also of the immense hope that comes from those health care pioneers brave enough to accompany terminal patients on their inevitable journeys to gratifying end-of-life experiences filled with dignity, love and peace. This is a story of living well and dying better, making the most of every moment in our life before death.


Watch these two powerful teasers of what you can expect from the 50-video series, which include scenes and interviews with Pallium India:

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