What Should an Ideal Palliative Care Curriculum Include?
The goal of training is to change practice; not simply acquire knowledge yet too often curriculums and assessment focus on knowledge and skills.
A quote from Dr Mhoira Leng‘s paper, Networking and training in palliative care – Challenging values and changing practice, for the Indian Journal of Palliative Medicine.
To illustrate this point, she quotes the following responses from participants of palliative care training programs:
- ‘I will be a better doctor now’
- ‘This palliative care course has reminded me why I came into Medicine in the first place.’
- ‘I feel better equipped to help people and their families.’
- ‘This will help my practice from tomorrow.’
- ‘I have learned to listen.’
- ‘I now understand what palliative care means and there will be a palliative care team in my hospital from this year’.
No doubt, a change in attitude is as important as knowledge and skills!
You can read the full article (free access) on the IJPC website (Vol 17, issue 4, pages 33-35):
“Networking and training in palliative care – Challenging values and changing practice.”
You can also read about Mhoira’s recent “Whirlwind Tour” of India on her blog.