“Chew On This” for a Tobacco Free India
Dr Prashant Pawar, Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon at Tata Memorial Hospital, asks us to support the Chew On This campaign:
Dr Prashant Pawar
Men and women as young as 18 years of age have to get their voice boxes, sections of wind-pipes, cheeks and tongues surgically removed as a result of their tobacco use.
You could save the life of a friend, or permanent scarring and suffering, by sharing Chew On This with as many people as possible.
Help me get back to my job at the cancer ward, rather than dealing with these entirely preventable tobacco-caused diseases.
Support the campaign & limit the devastating impact of tobacco by signing up at www.ChewOnThis.in
And watch this video with images the tobacco industry doesn’t want you to see:
The Chew On This campaign is supported by World Lung Foundation, Indian Dental Association, Voluntary Health Association of India, Doctors For You, Voice of Victims, Tata Memorial Centre, Mouth Cancer Foundation, Salaam Bombay Foundation, Healis – Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health, ACT-India, Art of Living Foundation, Brahmakumari, Gayatri Pariwar, Rotary Ahmedabad, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and other NGO and civil society organisations for a Tobacco Free India.