IAPC Public Interest Litigation

Supreme Court of India*
The Indian Association of Palliative Care‘s (IAPC) public interest litigation came up for hearing in the Supreme Court of India on 12 November 2010.
For those of you who are not aware of this, this was admitted by the Supreme Court of India in February 2007.
The petitioners had asked for, among other things:
- a palliative care policy by Central and State Governments
- inclusion of palliative care in medical and nursing curricula
- simplification of narcotic regulations
- adoption of standard operating procedures by all State Governments
The court was very sympathetic to our cause. The Medical Council of India (MCI) was represented by counsel and the court asked MCI to file an affidavit.
We shall have to wait and see what transpires when the case comes up for hearing again.
* 23/4/11 – Picture correction: Thanks to Surbhi for informing us that we had incorrectly shown Rashtrapati Bhavan