Trivandrum Exhibition by Palliative Care Patients
A wonderful event for those who can get to Trivandrum YMCA on Saturday 24th July:
On Saturday 24th July 2010, you MUST drop in at YMCA (Behind Govt Secretariat) between 9 AM and 6 PM.
To see what a group of special people– palliative care patients who are bed-bound or wheel-chair-bound, have created– paintings, dolls, utility items for the home and many things more!
Come and see the exhibits. Your presence itself will be an encouragement to the remarkable people who have created them.
If you do want to buy something and take it home, we shall certainly not object!
Our congratulations to Dr Shibu ,our volunteer Physical Medicine specialist (who also thought up the idea) and Mr Sunaj ,our physiotherapist, for making this happen and for encouraging the creativity of these people.