Bridging Gaps: Expanding Access to Cancer Care in India
The ECHO India Partner Launch Training & TOT (Training of Trainers) event, held on October 8th and 9th, 2024, at The Suryaa, New Delhi, was a pivotal moment in India’s journey towards improving cancer care. The event brought together healthcare professionals, experts, and stakeholders to discuss, train, and collaborate on expanding access to quality cancer care across the country.
A Gathering of Experts

The event was graced by the presence of esteemed figures such as Dr. G K Rath, renowned oncologist and former head of NCI-India and DRBRAIRCH-AIIMS; Dr. L Swasticharan, Additional Deputy Director General (NCD) and Director EMR, MoHFW; and Dr. Rangarao Rangaraju, Chairman of Paras Cancer Center. Pallium India was represented by Dr. Preeti Chauhan, Sr Sheeba, and Dr. Hashmath Farhaana.
Key Highlights of the Event
Welcome and Introduction: Ms. Paromita Das, General Manager, Projects, ECHO India, welcomed the attendees, followed by an overview of ECHO India by Dr. (Col.) Kumud Rai, Chairman of ECHO India.
Overview of the Cancer Mukt Bharat Program: Dr. Haresh Chandwani, General Manager, Projects, ECHO India, introduced the Cancer Mukt Bharat Program, emphasizing its objectives and goals.
Inauguration and Keynote Address: Dr. Rangarao Rangaraju emphasized the urgent need to bridge gaps in cancer care, while Dr. L Swasticharan provided valuable insights into the government’s initiatives to support cancer care. According to Dr. Swasticharan, the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) has been instrumental in strengthening infrastructure and promoting early detection and management of NCDs.
Understanding the ECHO Model: The ECHO Model and its four pillars were explained in detail, highlighting its potential to improve healthcare delivery. The model’s four pillars are Hub and Spoke Knowledge-Sharing Networks, Best Practice Protocols, Case-Based Learning, and Monitoring and Evaluation.
Fidelity to the ECHO Model: The importance of adhering to the ECHO Model’s principles was emphasized to ensure high-quality and standardized programs. High fidelity to the ECHO model ensures that programs are standardized and easily replicated, resulting in better outcomes.
Introducing iECHO: The program management tool, iECHO, was introduced to streamline the management of ECHO programs. iECHO allows for efficient coordination, tracking, and evaluation of ECHO initiatives, ensuring that best practices are followed.
Comprehensive Cancer Care: Experts discussed various aspects of cancer care, including diagnosis, treatment, palliative care, survivorship, and family support. Dr. Rita Lakhani, a key speaker, highlighted the importance of holistic cancer treatment.
The Role of Patient Navigation: The importance of patient navigation in guiding patients through their cancer care journey was highlighted. A systematic review presented at the event showed that patient navigation programs significantly improved treatment initiation, adherence, and patient satisfaction. For instance, 70% of studies reported significant improvements in treatment initiation, and 87% showed significant benefits in patient satisfaction.
The Way Forward: The event concluded with a discussion on future directions and a vote of thanks. Ms. Deepa Jha, General Manager, Projects, ECHO India, emphasized the need for continuous collaboration and innovation in cancer care.

Project ECHO: A Catalyst for Change
Project ECHO, a telemedicine platform, is at the forefront of expanding access to cancer care in India. By connecting healthcare providers and facilitating knowledge sharing and skill development, ECHO India aims to:
Expand the Network: Develop and expand the ECHO network of oncology programs across India, focusing on patient-centred cancer care and support services.
Strengthen the Network: Scale and strengthen the regional network to provide technical support to new ECHO partners throughout India and Southeast Asia.
Evaluate Impact: Assess the impact of the ECHO model on improving patient-centred care and promoting gender equity.
Comprehensive Cancer Care: What is Cancer?
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells, which may disrupt normal body functions and potentially spread to other parts of the body. Effective cancer care requires a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, palliative care, and survivorship support. According to Dr. G K Rath, approximately 60-70% of cancer cases are preventable through lifestyle modifications and early interventions.
A Noteworthy Moment
Dr. G K Rath’s insightful address, where he humorously described cancer as a “fantastic disease” due to its curable nature, resonated with the audience. He emphasized the importance of early detection and timely intervention in combating cancer.
The Future of Cancer Care in India
The ECHO India initiative, along with the support of government programs like Cancer Mukt Bharat, holds the potential to revolutionize cancer care in India. By addressing the challenges of access, affordability, and quality of care, these initiatives can significantly improve the lives of cancer patients and their families. Additionally, patient navigation systems have proven to be effective, with studies showing significant improvements in treatment initiation (70%), treatment adherence (74%), patient satisfaction (87%), and quality care indicators (81%).
Patient Navigation in Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review
Patient navigation programs have shown to significantly improve various aspects of cancer care. Between August 2009 and March 2023, studies revealed that patient navigation led to significant improvements in treatment initiation, adherence, and patient satisfaction. For instance, 70% of studies reported significant improvements in treatment initiation, while 87% showed significant benefits in patient satisfaction. Furthermore, 81% of studies reported a positive impact on quality care indicators.
ECHO India’s platform, iECHO, plays a crucial role in patient navigation by providing a structured framework for managing cancer care. It ensures that patients receive timely and appropriate care, thereby improving overall patient outcomes.
In conclusion, the ECHO India Partner Launch Training & TOT event marked a significant step towards enhancing cancer care in India. The comprehensive approach, combining the ECHO model and patient navigation systems, promises a brighter future for cancer patients, ensuring that quality care is accessible to all, regardless of their socioeconomic status. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing, ECHO India continues to bridge the gaps in cancer care and improve patient outcomes across the country.
(Prepared by Dr Preeti Chauhan, Department Head, National Policy.)